This feature utilizes IC Realtime's latest drivers to monitor Smart Events from cameras or recorders. By triggering event recordings through Elan's Software NVR via the Event Mapping function, you can now use ICRealtime cameras with Elan's Software NVR for event recording.
Note: This may seem complex initially but becomes straightforward after the first setup.
Prerequisites and Supported Features:
- This driver is for IC Realtime NVR and Camera surveillance solutions.
- You need the NICE/Elan Onboard NVR configured for constant recording.
- IC Realtime is not responsible for NVR setup.
- Ensure cameras are set to H264 for general streaming or playback issues.
- The Software Onboard NVR needs an appropriate Elan/NICE license and an external drive connected to the Elan host.
Supported Features:
- Integration as an I/O Generic Device in Elan providing camera events.
- Event map commands for NVR relay outputs and camera wiper blade.
Not Supported:
- Streaming video (Use the Elan ONVIF Video Source driver for live feeds and PTZ control).
- The Elan streaming Setup guide can be found here.
Part 1: Device Event Driver Configuration:
It is recommended that you follow the below installation process to ensure you are running the latest
version of the driver.
1. Download and extract the latest EDRVC driver files. (here)
2. In the Configurator:
- Select the Input/Output menu.
- Add a new Generic Serial Device (Configurator V1) or Serial Device (Configurator V2).
- Import your driver: Choose the driver location and select the appropriate ICRealtime Camera driver download in step 1.
- Note: For this setup, it is recommended to use IP Camera Driver instead of NVR Driver.
- Press install after loading driver.
- Note: For this setup, it is recommended to use IP Camera Driver instead of NVR Driver.
- Enter the Username, Password, IP address, and apply.
- Under Name, you can type in an identifier for this driver. For example Channel 1.
- The Port value needs to match the camera HTTP port. Default 80.
3. Repeat step 2 for each desired camera.
Part 2: Event Mapper Programming for Elan NVR:
Once the drivers in Part 1 have been configured, you can now use Event Mapper for Event Programming.
- The event you want to utilize for programming, such as Motion Detect or Intrusion event, must be configured in the camera.
- Setup 1 Event Map for each camera. Don't use 1 event to multiple cameras, as will incorrectly trigger an event on a camera that didn't have an event or may miss an event.
- In Event Mapper, add a new Event Map.
Type in a name for the event, then click OK.
You will get a screen like the one below (Screenshot from V2 Navigator).
2. Click on "Add" under "Event." Click on Generic Device, then choose the driver event created under Event Groups.
- Select the desired event, such as Human Smart Motion Detection for iMD(Human).
- Note: You can repeat step 2 for the same camera if you want to also add another event from the same camera, for example, Vehicle Smart Motion Detection for iMD(Vehicle), if you want to have a marker for both events in playback.
3. Under Commands, click Add. These will be actions that can be triggered by the event above.
- Select NVR on the left, select the Elan NVR from the Object list. From The Command list, select the desired channel and specify the color code.
- Pro Tip 1: Use different color codes for various events (e.g., red for motion, orange for tripwire).
- Pro Tip 2: Don't use blue, as that is the default color for constant recording.
- Screenshot from V2 Configurator.
Click OK when finished.
An example of recording event programming is shown below:
Viewing Playback Events on Elan Interface
- In the Elan UI, Select Video
- Choose a camera, then tap on the Play icon
on the upper right.
- The playback interface will be shown.
- When in Timeline mode, The progress bar on the bottom represents the time of the day. Tapping on any point of the progress bar will play recordings. You can navigate the progress bar by swiping left or right. You also can tap on
to zoom in and out of the progress bar.
The colored lines (set up in the event mapper) represent events in the progress bar. - Selecting Events mode will display the Events List. You can then scroll down to view events and tap on an event to view the event playback.
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