Sharing a IC Home device is a quick and easy process that will only take a few minutes to setup.
- 2 mobile devices with the app IC Home installed on them.
- Both devices must have their own separate email addresses to login to the app.
- A initialized IC Home device.
- NOTE: The maximum amount of shared accounts at one time is currently 6 accounts.
After the ICHome Device has been added to the first phones IC Home app head to:
The devices "Three Dot" (•••) Icon -> Device Details -> Share Device
Tap "Add" and enter the email address of the person you wish to share with. Once it is added it will display the email address of the person you shared that device with.
On the other persons phone, if they have registered an account with that email address in the IC Home app. The app will notify them that the device has been shared.
The new device should display in their device list. It can be identified by the camera with the IC Home logo on the front of it.
If the device does not display within the device list. Check the phone and cameras internet connection and pull the device list down to refresh the page and the camera will populate in the list for viewing.
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