IC Home devices are equipped with Motion/ Human Detection. These settings can be configured within the IC Home app to achieve greater accuracy and to lessen false alerts. Note that changes on this will affect overall recording performance on local and cloud storage.
1) Once you have added an IC Home device, tap on the "..." icon then tap on Device Details, then tap on Detection Settings.
2) Here, you can:
- Enable/ Disable Motion Detect: General pixel-based motion detect
- Enable/ Human Detect: Alerts only when humans are detected in the area
- Arm Schedule Setting: Setup time periods detection settings are enabled
- Detection Region Setting: Set up regions within the camera view where it will trigger motion and where to ignore motion.
3) Arm Schedule Setting
Here, you can set up the time periods for motion detect. Tap onto configure.
Tap on a day of the week, then tap on an existing time period to edit or tap to create a time period. You can long tap on a time period to delete. Tap Save in the bottom to save the configuration.
Any day of the week with an active record schedule will be colored orange, while days not recording will be greyed out.
Once the settings are saved, the changes will be reflected in the Arm Schedule Setting window.
4) Detection Region Setting:
Here, you will find a grid layout of the camera image. You can set detect and region zones to improve the cameras' detection performance. By default, the entire region is highlighted in orange. These zones will trigger motion.
- Clear: Delete all detection zones.
- Invert: Inverts the Detection and Ignore Zones
- Eraser: Tap to enable. When enabled, you can tap on regions to create Ignore Zones. These areas, represented in clear grids, will ignore motion.
Click Save when finished to save the configuration.
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