This section allows you to view recordings from your added devices and any recorded files on the local PC through the software.
Viewing Playback
- On the Home Page or Shortcut menu, click on Playback.
- The Device Tab (shown by default) is for playback from footage stored in your added devices.
- The Local PC Tab will display playback from files recorded to the PC by the software.
- Select one or more devices from the Device List. You can also click on the Views List.
- You can select Record or Picture to view either video or image recordings respectively.
- Record Type: You can select to view certain recording types such as regular/ constant, motion or other event recordings. The colors shown below correspond to the bars displayed in the progress bar.
- Stream Type: Select from the recording stream types. Typically, the main stream is the recording stream.
- Time: Click on
then select the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time. Maximum range is 24 hours.
- Click on Search. If footage is found within the specified parameters, one or more colored bars will appear in the progress bar.
- Click
or on any point of the progress bar to view footage from that time. In the example below, Normal, Motion and Intelligent events are shown in the progress bar.
- You can also zoom in and out of the progress bar to narrow the time displayed using the mouse scroll wheel.
- When viewing multiple channels in playback, select a channel to view its recordings in the progress bar.
- When viewing Playback, you also have several options such as:
Sync: When viewing one or more channels in playback, clicking this icon will toggle Sync and the record times for the cameras will line up when browsing the progress bar. Clicking the icon again will toggle Sync off.
Backwards Play: Plays the recordings in reverse.
Play/Pause: Plays or pauses the playback footage.
Frame by Frame Forward: Plays the footage frame by frame.
Play Speed: Opens a slider bar to toggle from 8x to 1/8x speed.
Audio Toggle: Toggles audio on or off (if equipped on the added device).
- Split View: This allows you to quickly change split views and toggle full screen.
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Split View Shortcut: Changes between single view, 4-split and 9-split views. These shortcuts can be edited under the Split View Menu.
Split View Menu: Displays normal and custom split views. You can select a split view as a shortcut by hovering the mouse over the desired split view and clicking on the star icon as it appears (
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