Click one of the cameras on the left panel to bring up the mainstream image. The mainstream is the recording stream which means higher quality and will require more resources. If you hover over the camera/channel before clicking, notice there is a carrot pointing down. This allows you to select the substream, pulling fewer resources.
Double-clicking on the live video feed will bring up the video to a single split-view instead of the 4-split.
The top right corner of the video feed window gives additional options:
Talk - Toggles 2-way audio if the device supports it
Fish Eye - Dewarp the 360 and 720 overview camera views.**
Zoom - Does a digital zoom. Left-click and drag over the area you want to zoom in on.
Record - Records the live stream
Snapshot - Takes a single snapshot
Start Audio - Toggles audio if the device supports it.
Split Track - Takes the video feed and splits it giving you several subview options.**
Close Video - Closes the selected stream
**Not available on all recorders web interface.
Split Views:
At the bottom of the Live view screens is several more options:
Full-Screen Toggles fullscreen
Single Box Single split view.
4 Box 4 split view.
6 Box 6 split view.
8 Box 8 split view.
9 Box 9 split view.
13 Box 13 split view.
16 Box 16 split view.
Box with the Number 25 25 split views.
Box with the Number 36 36 split views.
PTZ Menus:
The menu on the top right-hand side has several directional buttons and other menu buttons. This menu is referred to as the Navigation Menu or PTZ Menu. It is mainly used to control the motorized features of a camera or to navigate through an On Screen Display Menu (OSD).
Navigation Menu:
Directional Arrows - Moves the PTZ camera in the desired direction.
Speed - Movement speed of the motorized functions. Different devices may differ in speeds even if using the same value.
Zoom +/- - Zooms the motorized camera lens in or out. It does not work on a fixed camera lens.
Focus +/- - Manual adjustments of the camera's focal point
IRIS +/- - open/close the iris which controls the amount of light let into the camera lens. Opening the IRIS will allow more light in making the image brighter. The Buttons also act as an Enter button when the OSD menu is being displayed.
Start Audio - Toggles audio if the device supports it.
Split Track - Takes the video feed and splits it giving you several subview options.**
Close Video - Closes the selected stream
PTZ Menu/Submenu:
Under the Iris buttons, there is a drop-down menu. If click it will reveal submenus. One submenu tab is PTZ Settings and the other is PTZ Menu
PTZ Settings - Used to start/stop and to set PTZ functions which include: Scan, Preset, Tour, Pattern, Pan, Aux, Light and Wiper, Flip, Reset
PTZ Menu - Similar to the Navigation buttons in the case of the 4 directional buttons. The center button is used to open the OSD Menu. The same can be accomplished with the On/Open button (may vary from different model recorders and cameras).
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