Please note NOT ALL RECORDERS SUPPORT every option detailed in this guide. The interface of the recorder will prevail.
For recorders with a Live Layout configuration option you can create custom views of your cameras by altering the split to your liking. We will create a view and modify it.
Cameras will auto-populate displays in the default order (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) unless the camera sequence has been changed. For details on configuring the sequence refer to the Display Sequence Guide.
Enter the live layout menu through the following steps.
Advanced > System Operation
Live Layout > Add a New Layout with the +
Select the 8 Split Icon to modify the view
Returning to the Main Screen default view and right clicking we see Live Layout > Split8
Our Live Layout is now Active
You can also customize a live layout to resize and expand frames
Customizing a Live Layout
Begin by adding a new layout with the +
By default the largest supported view will add
Click and drag to combine boxes
New Live Layout Option will appear, in this example Split61
Your custom Live Layout will now be active
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