This will go over all the known issues that can be experienced when troubleshooting dome cameras at night when the IR illuminators activate.
Please note: This is more of a guideline to dome cameras. It's going to be different for every camera since not all housings and IR positionings are the same.
- The angle of the dome camera is the most critical point on these units. An angle greater than 45° will start to show these issues down below.
This will affect dome cameras that are equipped with a vandal resistant dome.
IR Blowback
When this occurs it can be one of two things: Either the camera is rotated to an extreme degree, causing the IR to bounce back into the dome housing cover. Or there is something nearby to the installation location causing it to reflect. It can also be grime accumulating on the dome housing covers.
- This can be tested by resetting the install angle and make the camera it point straight outwards.
- If hard water, dust, etc gets too thick, it will interfere with the IR. Cleaning the dome cover will help.
IR Reflection
Notice in this scene how there appears to be a "ring" of light around the scene and two little white dots in the center. This is actually the reflection of the camera lens itself reflecting off the inside of the dome. There's a couple intense white areas on the corners of the image. The color white can easily reflect IR light. In this case, the exterior side of the house is causing it to bounce back into the camera lens.
- Adjusting the camera the angle of the camera so the IR ring around the lens is not interrupted. Below is an example of a camera that has its IR ring behind its base.
Other Abnormalities
Adjusting the camera lens too extremely can also cause damage to the internal components of a dome camera. Please make sure the angle of your cameras are not too steep when utilizing dome cameras. Issues start popping up when the angle is more than 45°
Equipped on every dome camera is a rubber gasket around the lens of the camera. If this lens is missing, damaged, or in this case dirty, it can also lead to these issues. When troubleshooting these cameras. Verify the gromet is installed and cleared of any dust and debris.
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